Aims and goals
The congress, organized by the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Pollenzo), in collaboration with the University of Turin, will be devoted to scholarly exchange of knowledge and reflections upon the links among gastronomy, ecological transition, and food justice. The main aim of the congress is to provide a shared overview of the uptodate research regarding sustainable gastronomic sciences and studies and to establish an International Society of Gastronomic Sciences and Studies.
Where: Pollenzo and Turin
The congress will be held on 23-25 September 2022 in Pollenzo and Turin, during the concomitant Terra Madre event, and will foresee three days of inspirational lectures, invited lectures, talks, poster sessions, and round tables.
Day 1 - 23 September 2020 - Pollenzo (Bra, CN)
When and What: A first afternoon in Pollenzo with two plenary lectures and a socializing dinner.
Day 2 - 24 September 2022 - Turin
An entire day in Turin with a few parallel scientific sessions, focusing on crucial macro-themes concerning the future of sustainable food (Food & One Health; Food Perception and Education; Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Food Heritage; Food History, Mobilities, and Sovereignty; Sustainable Food for People: Acceptability, Inclusivity and Co-creation; Climate Change, Agroecology, and Ecological Transition; Food Justice, Policies and Regulations), two plenary discussions, and a poster session.
Day 3 - 25 September 2022 - Turin
A morning in Turin with a final discussion of topics at the core of debates in Day 1 and 2 , an inspirational lecture, and the adoption of a road for the establishment of the international society.
Draft Programme
Day 1 - 23 September 2020 -
University of Gastronomic Sciences,
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II 9 - 12042 Bra CN
Day 2 - 24 September 2022 -
University of Turin, Computer Sciences Department,
Via Pessinetto 12 - 10149 Turin
Day 3 - 25 September 2022 -
University of Turin, Cavallerizza Reale,
Via Giuseppe Verdi 9 - 10124 Turin
* * *
Day 1 - 23 September 2020
University of Gastronomic Sciences,
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II 9 - 12042 Bra CN
Arrival and registration of delegates
Welcome from the UNISG Rector and authorities
Opening lectures
Socializing Dinner
Day 2 - 24 September 2020
University of Turin, Computer Sciences Department,
Corso Svizzera 185 - 10149 Turin
Morning & Afternoon
Parallel sessions
Thematic area I: Food & One Health
Panel/Paper session
Final round table
Thematic area II: Food Perception and Education
Panel/Paper session
Final round table
Thematic area III: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Food Heritage
Panel/Paper session
Final round table
Thematic area IV: Food History, Mobilities, and Sovereignty
Panel/Paper session
Final round table
Thematic area V: Sustainable Food for People: Acceptability, Inclusivity and Co-creation
Panel/Paper session
Final round table
Thematic area VI: Climate Change, Agroecology, and Ecological Transition
Panel/Paper Session
Final round table
Thematic area VII: Food Justice, Policies and Regulations
Panel/Paper Session
Final round table
Late afternoon
Poster session
Day 3 - 25 September 2022
University of Turin, Cavallerizza Reale,
Via Giuseppe Verdi 9 - 10124 Turin
Plenary session
Report of the main outcomes from the 6 round tables
Final inspiration lectures
Poster awards
Presentation of the Doctoral School in Ecogastronomy and Food Sciences and Cultures
Conclusions by the President of Slow Food Carlo Petrini