Keywords: Biocultural Diversity, Traditional Knowledge and its IPRs, Ethnobiology, Food Ethnoecology, Memories of food, Food scouting, Food Heritagization, Traditional Food System, Heirloom Food, Neglected and Underutilized Species, Foraging,
Area Coordinators: Andrea Pieroni
Invited Speaker: Richard J. Stepp, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Call for papers: open
TEK (Traditional Ecological and Food Knowledge) has been the focus of a number of studies conducted in the past few decades, mainly devoted to document perceptions, uses and management of diverse biological ingredients, local ways of their procurement, their food processing, and associated socio-cultural values.
However, so far these works have rarely envisioned how TEK can concretely help implement and valorize local food heritage. This thematic area and its panels will look specifically at case studies which illustrate how platforms involving TEK holders, food activists, local institutions, policymakers, and consumers can revitalize and/or valorize food heritage, which is in turn a pillar of sustainable rural development, with possible important projections in ecotourism and HORECA.
Moreover, TEK is facing dramatic changes, both due to dramatic ecological and social changes. This thematic area will particularly welcome contributions that will assess how scholarly reflections could support local communities in adapting their TEK to these transformations.
Accepted papers: News soon